Seeking Ideas To Add To My New Book: Sex Education For Adults, Secrets To Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too

June 12, 2012

Embarking on writing a book is a huge undertaking. Actually selling it is an even bigger undertaking.

I am counting on all my readers to give me ideas to include in the book entitled: Sex Education For Adults, Secrets To Amazing
Sex and Happily Ever After Too.

The premise of the book is that we have no “school for sex” and many men have no clue about how to really pleasure
a woman based upon the myriad comments made to me by women about how lousy most guys are in bed.

Sadly women are often negatively affected by church teaching them as girls that sex was bad, dirty and wrong
and that good girls don’t do it. Often they are negatively conditioned for life and have real ambivalence over
their sexuality based upon this early teaching. It often shows up in what they refuse to do in bed and
what lacy and frilly lingerie they refuse to wear for their husbands. Sex is one of the big 3 that couples fight
about and get divorced over.

Speaking about fighting, there is no school to teach couples how to have peaceful conflict resolution with each
other instead of battling with each other and treating each other as the enemy. Sadly traditional marriage counselors
don’t teach this very vital skill and as a result have a horrendous failure rate of about 75%.

I have those issues dealt with in my book. Where I would appreciate input is in the following areas:
Great dates, cheap dates, seduction dinners complete with recipes, lovemaking techniques, foreplay
techniques and your first time stories.

Help me here readers won’t you please and won’t you please tell people about the up coming book that will be
published on Amazon January 10. 2013