America In Her Greatness Will Defeat Obama, We Need To Rise Up and Refuse To Take It Anymore

December 29, 2011

This is a repost from American Thinker Magazine. It is a great article
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December 28, 2011
America’s Greatness Will Defeat Obama
By William L. Gensert

This century will be an American century, much like the last one. Despite what President Obama believes, we are not one nation among many, we are the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth, and the last best hope for humanity.

The only thing standing between the United States and continued exceptionalism is the dreary delirium of Barack Obama, whose dismal socialist policies have been a spectacular disaster for the nation.

First, we were told that the Russians were going to bury us. By Krushchev initially, banging his shoe on the table, and later, by the press and many of our political leaders. Remember Jimmy Carter said we had to get over “our inordinate fear of communism.”

The communism of the USSR was the rising ideology. Despite killing 100 million people in the 20th century, they were the good guys. Resistance was futile; it was just a matter of time.

Then, it was the Japanese who were going to bury us. State direction of capitalism was the wave of the future. We were living in the past, bitterly clinging to our freedom. We had to act quickly by giving the government the control it needed to guide our economy.

The Japanese were buying up America and soon would own everything. Our trade deficit with them was staggering. They were our largest creditor. We bought their products and they bought our paper. There was no way out, resistance was futile.

Don’t forget the European Union, whose formation was going to Greece the skids of our decline into unbearable Spain.

Now they say, the Chinese that will bury us. Falling behind China is a recurring theme in many of Barack Obama’s speeches. We have to do as they do, or we risk losing out. State directed capitalism is the wave of the future, resistance is futile. Americans must pay more taxes, and give the President more control…of well…everything.

What happened to the Russians? Exposed as a nation of hundreds of millions of impoverished people, desperate to escape, communism floundered and failed, finding its true place on the ash heap of history, except to progressives of course, who repackaged the failed ideology as a means to win the future. Communists became leftists, who became liberals, who became progressives.

For 2 decades, Russia has pretended they are still a world power, often using their fossil fuel resources as a means to intimidate Europe. Yet, with recoverable shale gas reserves increasing dramatically in and around Europe, soon there will be no need for Putin’s gas.

With a negative birthrate, an aging population and a society that will soon be majority Islamic, in a few decades, they will be lucky if they can bury themselves.

The Japanese threat was the next to dissolve. They were going to run everything. We as a nation would be relegated to bringing them their tea, while we forked over our retirement funds to pay for the Toyotas we bought ten years before. The Japanese, supposedly, had all the answers, even more so than the Russians, whose system was merely more equitable. The Japanese “way” was superior and American capitalism would not survive the onslaught of their superiority.

Well, what happened to the Japanese? They went from the second largest economy to the third largest, having been surpassed by the Chinese. 30 years ago, we were told they would overtake us in 20 years. Yet, their economy has barely grown in 2 decades. They have tried one Keynesian stimulus after another, to no avail. Japan’s national debt is twice the size of their economy. With a negative birth rate they are on track to become the oldest society the world has ever seen.

It’s funny; no one seems to worry about the Japanese these days.

It’s now the Chinese. We can’t compete with them; they have taken the state directed capitalism of Japan to a new level. They are smarter than the Japanese… and us. At least that’s what the Communist Party leadership and Mr. Obama believe. Many are already warning they will surpass us economically in 20 years, some say 5 years.

China has almost a half a billion people, 35% of their population, living on less than 2 dollars a day, 40 million people still living in caves. They have racial and religious divides percolating ominously throughout the country. The real estate bubble is about to burst. Because of their one child policy, by 2020, there will be 30 million more men than women. When you can only have one child, struggling families opt for a boy. By 2050, China could have hundreds of millions of angry men with no prospect for marriage and family. That’s good news for China…right?

If you think Barack Obama spent a lot of money on stimulus, you don’t know the Chinese. With an economy half the size of America, they took Barack’s trillion dollars and almost tripled it, and then did the same the next year as well. Unlike in America, this was mostly done through increased bank lending, instead of government expenditures. They now have entire empty cities, roads to nowhere and gleaming airports with no travelers. An empty city is every bit the non-performing asset that a bankrupt Solyndra is. How much of the increased debt will need to be written off is anyone’s guess, but can their banking system survive a multi trillion dollar hit?

China, following Japan’s example, has deliberately held the value of their currency low to promote exports. They are headed for the same economic future. You see, it works for a while, but the blowback is a bitch.

America, because of immigration and a birthrate near replacement level, will not be aging the way Russia, Japan, Europe and China are. Despite Barack Obama’s best effort, we have comparatively little racial, religious and economic strife, a moderately free press, and the most economic freedom and mobility the world has ever known.

We have a dynamic economy and are still the world’s largest manufacturer. America is blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Due to improvements in technology, we now have potential fossil fuel resources to last us 200 years or more. Since much of it is on federal lands, some have said the royalties to the Treasury have the potential to pay off the national debt. To paraphrase Joe Biden, it is a big fracking deal.

Even if Mr. Obama wins reelection, he can only delay the coming energy independence of America, he cannot prevent it. Citizens, not thrilled with him now, will be irate when their electric bills triple and gasoline is $10 a gallon. All that oil, coal and natural gas will come out of the ground. Obama, as a modern day King Canute trying to command the tide, will be powerless to stop it.

Four more years of this President will leave the nation miserable and divided, with high unemployment, a moribund economy and a bloated bureaucracy. With another term, Barack Obama will continue his transformation of America into a land of perpetual trillion dollar deficits and a national debt measured in the tens of trillions of dollars. We will be weak militarily, morally and economically. Lesser nations, like those discussed here, would not survive 8 years of hope and change, but we will not be defeated.

The only thing standing between America and continued preeminence is Barack Obama. The sooner we realize that, and rid the nation of the abomination of his presidency, the better.

10 Steps Towards Respecting Your Husband (Even when you don’t feel like it)

August 22, 2010

This is a great guest post by a woman who gets it. It always works better when you follow God’s plan for marriage. I am on a goal to expose rampant misandry (reverse sexism by women against men) in our society. I have been called all manner of vile names by women in pursuit of this goal and mission. I suggest that women take care of their husbands needs. First respect is the number one need men have even more than sex. Too many women feel that taking care of a husband’s needs are at the bottom of her priority list and have no compunction about forcing him to do without against his will. I would be the first to agree that no woman should be forced to have sex against her will but women feel that it is perfectly permissable to force the husband to do without sex against his will.

This post was found by punching into my search engine “reasons not to put children’s needs ahead of husbands” I commend it to your understanding of marriage.

I invite comments by both men and women,
Written by Cyndie Hamley

With downcast eyes, Kathryn confided, “I have a hard time respecting my husband. I want to be obedient to God’s command, but I don’t want to be dishonest to my feelings.”

God doesn’t command a wife to feel respectful toward her husband. She is to be respectful. Her responsibility is to obey God; not her feelings.

A wise woman once told me, “If you want a truly fine husband, respect him at the level at which you want him to reach. A man will usually not rise above the level at which his wife respects him.” This is a general principle, not a hard and fast rule because God does not put accountability or responsibility for a man’s character on his wife. Nevertheless, strong evidence indicates a woman holds great power to make or break a man. In his book His Needs, Her Needs,

Life Lesson: Rekindle the romance
Brides Series: 8 Lessons

Willard Harley amends the saying “Behind every great man is a great woman” to “Behind every great man is an admiring wife.”

Something in a man needs the respect of his wife. He thrives and grows toward godliness when his need is fulfilled. This explains why God emphatically says, “The wife must see to it that she respects her husband” (Ephesians 5:33 NASB).

10 Steps Towards Respecting Your Husband

1.Pray for him daily and trust God to answer your requests.
◦Pray for his well-being, wisdom, protection, blessings, guidance, knowledge, spiritual maturity, success, purity, strength in temptation, etc.
◦Look for God’s answers to your prayers.
◦Thank God for working in your family.
◦Thank God for your husband.
◦Pray for your attitude.

2.Remember that God has put your husband in a position of leadership, and He will lead you through your husband.

3.Make a list of your husband’s qualities that you appreciate. Review and add to your list regularly.

4.Tell your husband what you appreciate about him. Tell others what you appreciate about him.

5.Don’t criticize your husband to others – especially your children.

6.Look for the positive side of things that you may find irritating. If you find it boring when he spends time telling you about his bad day, remember that at least he is talking to you, spending time with you, sharing his concerns with you, bringing you into his confidence, and giving you the chance to be an encourager and helper.

7.Respond to his loving advances with enthusiasm.

8.If you are concerned about a decision your husband has made, ask him the following:
◦“I’m confused about _________. Can you explain it to me?”
◦“Can we talk about _____? I feel uncomfortable about ______.”
◦Don’t ask: “WHY in the world would you do it that way?” or ask “Why?” in any way that implies you think he is foolish.

9.Respect his likes and dislikes. If he likes a particular food, make a point of serving that regularly. If he hates the color purple, don’t wear purple in his presence. If he likes you to wear perfume, do it.

10.If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about your husband, stop and choose to think of something else – especially things from your positive quality list.
Remember, God is working on you and your husband. You can both learn from your failures as well as your successes. Give God the freedom to teach your husband through failure. In the same way, give God the freedom to teach you to trust Him through your husband’s failure.

What Men Want From Women In A Relationship

July 31, 2010

You might be surprised that sex is not the number one thing that men want from a woman. What they want and so few women are willing to give is respect. We live in a society that is infected with misandry. (reverse sexism by women against men) You see it even in the commercials where men are portrayed as the hapless boob who has once again gotten himself and/or his family into trouble once again. Then the “heroic woman” swoops into to save the day all the while tossing off condescending remarks to her husband.

Women you must always show your husband respect if you want to keep him. That means when you don’t feel like it. Disrespectful things said to him will be burned into his brain and his heart forever. You need to control that tongue when you are mad at him. Believe it or not, men are very sensitive creatures, they just don’t show it most of the time. The reason for this is because it is considered weak. He is every bit as sensitive as you are.

You dreamed about happily ever after but did you ever think about what happily ever after looked like to your husband? He saw it as a wife who would take care of his sexual needs when he wanted it. The statistics show that 60% of married women have their husbands on a diet of sex once a week or less. The average guy needs it 3 to 4 times a week.

Men also saw happily ever after as their wives being sexually adventurous with them and be without inhibitions. They also saw their wives as wearing sexy lingerie for them because men are visually motivated.
So bottom line is men want women to be their best friends and not their critic in chief. They want to be respected and appreciated for how hard they work to take care of you. And they want a fun loving and satisfactory sex life with you that you willingly and lovingly engage in. They want to see you in frilly lingerie. They want you to shed those inhibitions and do things in bed with him that he enjoys.
Follow my advice and you will have a great relationship. I am willing to bet if you found out that he had terminal cancer and had only a few weeks to live, that you would change your ways. You should live like that because you never know when you or him will die.

I have given these same suggestions on some other sites and some women have come out of the woodwork attacking me as a pervert. I have even had some men attack me. Like it or not this is what the vast majority of men are looking for in a relationship. I am just the messenger.