All You Teachers Out There, Read This and Contemplate Your Profession

June 26, 2012


This is another guest post from my friend Larry Z.  He has a keen intellect and an articulate writing style.  I commend his blog to you and his link back to his blog is posted at the end of the blog.
What I can say is that as teachers you have a similar job and code of ethics of journalists who are required by printed canons of journalistic integrity to print both sides of the story fairly and accurately.  No matter how much you disagree with conservatives, you have no right as an educator to bring your liberal orthodoxy and teach it as fact in your classroom.  You are ethically bound to present both sides and let your students make up their own minds
John Wilder


An Open Letter to United States Educators, Teachers and Students: What is The True Purpose of Education?

“The goal of education is not the unquestioning acceptance of any single interpretation, but the development of an individual’s critical abilities.”

The above quote is from the inside front cover of the Cliffs Notes on T. S. Eliot’s Major Poems & Plays – Cliffs Notes Incorporated, Lincoln Nebraska, 1992 Printing.

I quite agree with this view of the goal (purpose) of education.  This was the prevailing view among responsible US educators until the late1960s.

Or is the correct purpose of education the indoctrination of students’ minds with/in aggressive feminism, identity politics, political correctness, multiculturalism, so-called gender studies, and Marxist economic and social theories?

To educators, I say it is high time for some objective introspection and honesty with yourselves.  (And, honesty begins in one’s own mind.)  Have you, in zealous pursuit of your agenda(s), done justiceto the formation of these young people’s minds, and the development of their critical abilities?  (I think not.)

To college and high school students, dear young people, I say you donot have to buy into, nor believe, the unspoken message (claptrap) that “liberals know best“.  Be aware, that liberals are some of the most narrow minded – really close minded –  people on the planet.  They have very serious problems coming to terms with any real world evidence that contradicts their fervently – even passionately –  held views.

Think about it!

Responsible replies are welcome.


June 23, 2012

I was heavily quoted in this piece about women’s sexism. Here is the note I received stating that the magazine article was now posted. He also referred to my new book to be published in January


Thank you again for your willingness to talk about the media perception of men. We have developed that story and do have it online. You will receive an email from Burgundy but I wanted to personally send you the link. Thank you again for your wonderful input ( It was greatly appreciated.


J. Kevin Powell
1532 Bubbling Creek Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30319
PIIP Media is a company focused on changing how we view society through uplifting entertainment that is commercially viable. We believe in developing a strong empowering presence in our community by creating an energy through our products that recasts the world in a brighter light. Our media, and associated products, rejuvenate the souls of those who use them.

Category: Wellness
Published on Friday, 22 June 2012 14:02
Written by J. Kevin Powell

Just a few years ago, a minivan commercial showed a father, so eager to shut out the sounds of his children, he couldn’t wait to get them in the car to turn on the DVD players. Dr. Richard Horowitz was so enraged he wrote the automaker who soon removed the commercial.
Jason Hundley, an X-ray Tech in Radcliffe, Kentucky, continually avoids the pack of women at work who constantly refer to men as children, dogs and ‘just like the men on tv’. Incensed even more by the “we know you’re not like that” comments, he’s searched for ways to fight for male rights.
Affected by the omnipresent definition of happily every after being limited to the woman’s determination of the meaning, John Wilder, a marriage coach, has seen the build up of anger in men over the years. He attributes the demeaning media perception of men to misandry and reeducates couples on roles in their relationships.
Dr. David Power, who abhors the Tim the Tool Man stereotype portrayed through various television shows and commercials, routinely does the laundry and cooks for himself. With a baby in the house, his two sons know when he calls a code brown, to get diapers, wipes and help daddy change the baby’s diaper. He’s started a fight club.
While the media continues to portray men as grown kids who need to be coddled and directed by the strong hand of their mother-like spouses, men throughout America are fighting back. Men are growing weary of this characterization, even in a limited tongue and cheek manner.
“Men who are more mature and have families, those men are somewhat confused about the world,” said Dr. Horowitz, who now runs with his wife.
The appreciation for the everyday male has seemed to wane in recent history. It seems as if a male simply takes care of his home, he’s still doing something wrong. If he does dress well, then he still may not be metrosexual enough. If he is a good guy, he doesn’t possess enough raw aggression to spark the chemistry of a bad boy. And if he is a bad boy, well, of course he’s a project that can be fixed.
But a large amount of confusion seems to be attributed to the power of the feminist movement and the confusion that era has brought to men in America.
Women’s rights began in 1913 but didn’t end in 1920 when women received the right to vote. In her book,Stiffed, Susan Faludi attributes much of the change of women’s gender roles to WWII when many women were needed to work in support of the war effort and take care of both gender roles at home.
This period sparked an undercurrent of misandry as men returned home and attempted to reinsert themselves into their traditional gender roles, roles women now knew they could perform.
However, John Wilder, author of the soon to be published Sex Education for Adults, Secrets to Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too, states rearing of women during this period did not significantly change. Many women were not, and still are not, raised in a critique-friendly environment similar to young men.
As women learned to openly analyze men’s actions, there was no education on how receiving it. Even worst, men learned never to say anything.
“The number one complaint I get from men is women do not make it safe to critique women,” said John. “Women say they want equality, but they want absolute dominance. Most [men] had coaches and grew up accepting critique where women take it personally.”
John states that while women sought equality socially, they didn’t accept it within their interpersonal relationships.
Dr. Powers knows too well the application of this thought. Gathering with his church fight club, men often tell stories of intentionally doing some type of chore or assignment wrong. Feeling there is no way to do the task right without being criticized, or being able to make any critical comment, why even try?
Passive aggressive men give in recognizing they’ll eventually lose the fight and she’ll correct whatever he did anyway, John added. Women who feel they’ve been critiqued go through fanatic efforts to teach their male partner to never critique them again.
As female writers, advertisers, marketers and others in media continue to increase their influence, and men who either stay silent or help push the stereotype continue using the perception in the name of ‘what sells’, men continue to see the media images of them grow in ways that are uncomfortable.

The Seedy Side of Crime In The United States, Child Prostitution

June 16, 2012

This is another guest post from my friend Larry Z’s blog. He is new to blogging and I am reposting his blog onto mine. I suggest that you go on over and sign up for his blog for an articulate thinking man’s blog. Here is the link

JUNE 15, 2012

Why are we tolerating child prostitution and forced prostitution in the United States?

Okay, this is not a news item in the sense that this appalling evil is not new in the US. What is news – or ought to be news – on the TV, radio, Internet, etc. is that there still has not been much reduction, not to mention eradication, of child prostitution and forced prostitution in the United States here in 2012. In recent months, I have heard of news stories about this ongoing atrocious injustice in Atlanta and in Las Vegas. It is widely known to be a chronic problem in the immigration depots of New York City and San Francisco. Forced (coerced) prostitution is not limited to those major cities, and American girls are being coerced into prostitution in addition to the poor girls from overseas brought into the country illegally for this.

To bring a little perspective on how destructive child prostitution is to the girls forced into it, I have heard, in a rare radio piece about this issue, that the life expectancy for many of these girls is just 22 years. So, death, at a very early age, is what awaits them after they have been forced to have sex with as many as ten to fifteen “customers” per 24 hour period for several days each week.

As Americans have a proclivity for lecturing the rest of the world on the subject of human rights, to avoid hypocrisy and to do the right thing, we need to act to eliminate the gross violation of these girls’ and young women’s human rights and of their dignity as human beings.
Regrettably, the demand for child prostitution remains high in our society. This is in itself a (damning) indictment of our culture. Let’s stiffen the penalties for the consumers of child prostitution, and more vigorously pursue and bring to justice the suppliers of it (organized criminals).

Let’s support the groups that are fighting against this terrible evil that ruins and destroys the lives of its victims.
Please contact your elected government representatives at both the state house level and in Congress in Washington. Let them know that you want the laws already on the books more vigorously enforced against those guilty of human trafficking and child prostitution (of American girls and of immigrant girls brought to the United States for prostitution). If federal monies are needed by some of the states to fight this evil more vigorously, then so be it. (It is past time we had a more serious and honest debate about what our national priorities should be and how to allocate resources to achieving those priorities.)

Thank you for reading and for your concern. Now, contact your elected representatives (by email, phone call, fax or paper letter), and please speak with your clergy and fellow church members to encourage them to speak out and to work against this infectious evil that is destroying the lives of so many girls and young women across the nation. And support groups (with your time, talents, and/or resources) that rescue and then help these abused, enslaved and exploited girls to heal and rebuild their lives.

Footnote: Recall the ACORN sting operation where a supposed Pimp went in to buy a house to start an underage prostitution ring and they ACORN worker saw no problem with it, this despite the so called WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT. Can we spell liberal hypocrisy?

Seeking Ideas To Add To My New Book: Sex Education For Adults, Secrets To Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too

June 12, 2012

Embarking on writing a book is a huge undertaking. Actually selling it is an even bigger undertaking.

I am counting on all my readers to give me ideas to include in the book entitled: Sex Education For Adults, Secrets To Amazing
Sex and Happily Ever After Too.

The premise of the book is that we have no “school for sex” and many men have no clue about how to really pleasure
a woman based upon the myriad comments made to me by women about how lousy most guys are in bed.

Sadly women are often negatively affected by church teaching them as girls that sex was bad, dirty and wrong
and that good girls don’t do it. Often they are negatively conditioned for life and have real ambivalence over
their sexuality based upon this early teaching. It often shows up in what they refuse to do in bed and
what lacy and frilly lingerie they refuse to wear for their husbands. Sex is one of the big 3 that couples fight
about and get divorced over.

Speaking about fighting, there is no school to teach couples how to have peaceful conflict resolution with each
other instead of battling with each other and treating each other as the enemy. Sadly traditional marriage counselors
don’t teach this very vital skill and as a result have a horrendous failure rate of about 75%.

I have those issues dealt with in my book. Where I would appreciate input is in the following areas:
Great dates, cheap dates, seduction dinners complete with recipes, lovemaking techniques, foreplay
techniques and your first time stories.

Help me here readers won’t you please and won’t you please tell people about the up coming book that will be
published on Amazon January 10. 2013

A Very Controversial Post, Why Do We Circumsize Boys, It is Worth Reading

June 7, 2012

This is a repost from my blog freind Larry Z and I commend it to you as a very thought provoking article. He is an articulate and “outside the box” thinker and a previous re-blogger on my Blog
Why do we circumcise?

Modern doctors (in the US) routinely advise new parents to circumcise their baby boys. It is a given in many hospitals that newborn males will be circumcised, if possible, before they are allowed to leave the hospital. (No other industrial country does this to their baby boys.)

Why do we in the USA do this to our baby boys? Why do parents consent to this without giving much thought to their decision and its life long adverse effects on their son(s) and their future daughter(s)-in-law?

Let’s ignore the vested financial interest that doctors, interns and hospitals have in this procedure that is done a million times each year. (When nationalized health care systems have been put in place in English speaking countries, circumcision has not been covered as it is correctly deemed an unnecessary surgery.)

Is it that the son must look like his father? As others have pointed out, we would not amputate a baby’s arm if his father had previously lost his arm. Yet, with circumcision we are amputating healthy, useful tissue for no good reasons.

Do we circumcise (mutilate) in order to prevent cervical cancer, the spread of venereal diseases, and masturbation? Well, all these problems were to be prevented or at least greatly lessened by circumcision. That is what the doctors told us. At one time or another these were the defenses of circumcision offered to parents and to society as a whole. By the way, all the numerous evils (cervical cancer, the spread of venereal diseases, masturbation, etc.) that circumcision was supposed to eliminate were never eliminated by it. All these myths, masquerading as truth, have been debunked long ago. (The masturbation myth is really offensive to people’s intelligence. The doctors in the 1800s asserted that masturbation was responsible for many maladies including epilepsy. And the way to stop masturbation was to circumcise because the greater sensitivity of the natural penis (with its thousands of nerve endings) was the cause of masturbation. People really believed these quack doctors on this. If such were true, with all the circumcised males in this country, one would think that masturbation would be very rare indeed! Forgive me here – but the truth is the truth. Hey doctors, masturbation has more to do with seminal glands being full to overflowing when there is no other sexual outlet available.)

Regrettably, even today, people blindly listen to doctors and show them the deference due a medieval priesthood. Doctors are not incapable of error. They are not infallible and they can, and do, have their own agendas at times.

Why is this important? Fair enough. Circumcision is a major issue because it so grievously injures marriages by abnormalizing coitus for both the wife and for her husband. Our brains and genitals are wired for natural sex – not for circumcised sex. Do not take my word for it. This thesis has been very well developed by Kristen O’Hara in her book, Sex as Nature Intended It (2002) which is very comprehensive in its treatment of why natural coitus is more enjoyable and gratifying to both the wife and her husband. (Kristen obtained many comments from women who had had the comparative experiences of having natural husbands/partners and having circumcised husbands/partners. She also obtained the comments and insights of men who had been circumcised as adults and could compare from their own personal experiences natural coitus and circumcised coitus.) Basically, the point is that a vagina and a natural penis (not circumcised) can do truly wonderful things together that cannot be done with a mutilated, circumcised penis. (Go out to Amazon and get a copy of this book. It is very informative and will open your eyes to the truth of the damage that circumcision does.)

When circumcised adult men think about what they have been deprived of, it is very painful for them. This is understandable. Yet, choosing to remain in a state of denial, as so often happens when one is dealing with great pain and hurt, does not help our children and is not the right thing to do. Perpetuating the superstitious practice of needless infant circumcision is opting for perpetuating ignorance and assaulting future marriages.

It is rather ironic that we have a federal law on the books (from the mid 1990s) prohibiting the genital mutilation of girls in this country, but we look the other way when the genitals of boys are routinely mutilated day in and day out. And foreskin restoration is not the solution to this injustice. As the old adage says, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is apropos here. Foreskin restoration is a very lengthy and difficult process in that it requires a very large commitment of time, effort, and inconvenience and does not always yield good results for many men.

To Christians that are concerned with children’s rights, I would humbly point out that children do have a right to bodily integrity. We do not hear of Catholics or Protestants condemning this needless mutilation of baby boys in this country. (In fact, it was Protestant doctors that introduced circumcision to the US in the late 1800s. It was not universally advocated for the entire population by Jewish doctors or Rabbis. Do not blame or fault Jewish folks for this. Also, Catholic bishops failed (and still fail) to condemn this harmful practice because they believed the doctors’ claims about masturbation’s terrible health effects and that masturbation would be lessened or eradicated by circumcision.) And this is not a “gay” or “straight” issue. This is about whether we are going to confront erroneous beliefs and correct our thinking such that we start doing to justice to our children.

Lastly, women have a right to natural husbands. For the sake of future generations’ marital happiness and strength of marriages, we – both mothers and fathers – really need to oppose this practice.

We, as Americans, need to overcome our ego-centrism in thinking that our way is the only way or even necessarily the best way to do things. The rest of the world is correct in not doing this to their baby boys.

Thank you for your time in reading this.

Marriage Is About Sharing, Share This Funny Post With Someone You Love

June 5, 2012

Thanks to Dennis one of my readers for sharing this humorous story. Enjoy and blessings on you and yours. John Wilder

A little some thing to lighten your day.

The old man placed an order for one hamburger, French fries and a 

He unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half, placing one 
half in front of his wife.

He then carefully counted out the French fries, dividing them into two 
piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. 

He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down 
between them. As he began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people 
around them were looking over and whispering. 

Obviously they were thinking, ‘That poor old couple – all they can afford is 
one meal for the two of them.’

As the man began to eat his fries a young man came to the table and 
politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man said, 
they were just fine – they were used to sharing everything. 

People closer to the table noticed the little old lady hadn’t eaten a bite. 
sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping 
the drink.. 

Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy 
another meal for them. This time the old woman said ‘No, thank you, we 
are used to sharing everything.’

Finally, as the old man finished and was wiping his face neatly with the 
napkin, the young man again came over to the little old lady who had yet 
to eat a single bite of food and asked ‘What is it you are waiting for?’ 

She answered


10 New And Inexpensive Dates To Take Your Wife On, Keep Dating Your Wife for Happily Ever After

June 1, 2012

If you want to stay happily married you need to continue to date your wife. You should always plan these, make arrangements for the sitter and let her relax and have fun. It will pay off handsomely in a more contented wife. You need to continue to make her feel pampered and cherished.

Go horse back riding then have a picnic in a canyon

Go on a late night hike to the top of a hill away from lights, bring a blanket and watch the stars.
Take a roll of pennies to a fountain and make wishes out loud as you throw them in.

Build a bonfire roast marshmallows (try roasting other things as well)

Get up extra early, watch the sunrise, then make breakfast together

Make life lists together

Have a candlelight chocolate making evening. Experiment with candy recipes. Everyone loves chocolate… become the chocolate giver

Write a letter, put it in an air-tight bottle and throw it into the ocean or a laker or even a river.

Ride a horse-drawn buggy

Go exploring with your date to find the coolest building in town. Then you can take a tour/ explore and have a picnic outside